The rising cost of living is a continuing challenge faced by a large number of older Queenslanders.
We work across a broad range of cost of living issues, including concessions, essential services, and housing affordability.
While there is a number of issues of concern relating to cost of living for older people that also need to be addressed, including underemployment, the availability of concessions helps reduce the cost burden for people in financial stress. Older Queenslanders on fixed low incomes increasingly rely on assistance from the Queensland Government to meet the rising costs of energy, rates, water, and transport.
We are strongly focussed on ensuring that state and local government concessions continue to be made available to pensioners, seniors and veterans. Equally important is ensuring that the rate of concession available is adjusted annually to maintain pace with cost of living increases.
What we do
In 2014 the Federal Government made funding reductions of $54million to the Queensland Government that almost resulted in a major cutback in concessions. COTA Queensland lobbied strongly and the state government chose to retain all seniors’ concessions at existing levels.
We continue to push for adequacy of concessions, including through our 2020 State Election advocacy.
We have also regularly contributed to QCOSS’ cost of living report and we work with other organisations to support their advocacy work in this area.
Find more information
Are you looking for information about concessions available in Queensland? Visit