Latest News


2 November 2015
COTA has been appointed to the Brighton Health Campus Project Steering Committee to provide direction and leadership for the Brighton Health Campus Project in developing a vision, service profile, workforce considerations and partnership opportunities for the Brighton Campus.

2 August 2019
The new Aged Care Quality Standards place a much greater focus on the individual consumer, their family and support network.


3 December 2015
We continue to actively seek recognition of the positive contribution that older people make economically and socially to Queensland.  We are strong advocates for an Age-friendly Queensland promoting intergenerational interactions, to enable people to grow to their fullest capacity.


Active Seniors

7 December 2016
Regular physical activity is important throughout life, especially as we age and being active will do your health wonders and will keep the body strong.

Ageing and Homelessness

22 December 2017
COTA Queensland believes that the Queensland Government must take more concerted action to assist those seniors who for a variety of reasons find themselves displaced from appropriate housing and made homeless.