With the COVID pandemic, natural disasters, and sector change, many service providers and community organisations continue to weather multiple challenges. But with changes pushing ahead, there is significant opportunity for the aged care sector and there has never been a better time to talk about the power of engagement with consumers.
COTA Queensland held its first consumer engagement webinar The power of engagement during change and crisis facilitated by COTA Queensland’s Consumer Engagement team, led by Dr Andrea Petriwskyj.
The webinar attracted participants within Queensland and interstate from a diverse range of organisations and service providers. Andrea invited participants to take a deeper look at what engagement in aged care might look like in their organisation through looking at what consumer engagement means to them, and what opportunities are available to strengthen or broaden consumer roles and strengthen engagement practice.
The webinar explored the significance of engagement in this time of change, and examples of the roles of consumers throughout recent crises and challenges. Participants highlighted different opportunities and current initiatives happening right now in their organisations and across the sector, including a number of opportunities for organisational governance.
The COTA Queensland Consumer Engagement team would welcome further insights or thoughts on any aspect of consumer engagement. Feel free to contact Andrea on andrea.petriwskyj@cotaqld.org.au
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