MEDIA RELEASE: World Leaders on Ageing to meet in Brisbane

World leaders and experts on ageing will come together between 21-23 June 2016 at the International Federation on Ageing (IFA) 13th Global Conference on Ageing.

The Conference is being hosted by COTA (Council on the Ageing) Queensland, co-sponsored by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and supported by Australian and Queensland Governments.

The world’s population is ageing. It is happening because we live longer, and because there will be relatively more older people than youths in the next decades. The ageing megatrend applies to all regions of the world, and has great significance for society, economics, corporations and individuals.

“The conference will provide a platform for decision makers, practitioners, researchers, service providers, and community members to share their experiences to support and empower rapidly ageing populations worldwide.” COTA Queensland Chief Executive Mark Tucker-Evans said.

The Conference will explore:

  • Age Friendly Cities/Communities
  • Care and Support for Older People (Community and Residential)
  • Elder Abuse, Law and Rights
  • Income Protection and Security
  • Disasters and Older People

WHO’s Director of Ageing and Life Course, Dr John Beard will discuss the recent World Report on ageing and health which outlines a framework for action to foster Healthy Ageing built around the new concept of functional ability.

Other speakers include former Special Representative of UN Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction Margareta Wahlstron, Professor Bradley Wilcox, Director of Research at Department of Geriatric Medicine, University of Hawaii and Dr Suzanne Garon, Universite de Sherbrooke.

The conference will also bring together the Global Network of Age-friendly Cities and Communities.


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