MEDIA RELEASE: Keeping the lights on for those in need

COTA (Council on the Ageing) Queensland is the Seniors Peak giving older Queenslanders a voice on issues that affect them.

Earlier today the Queensland Productivity Commission release the ‘Electricity Pricing Inquiry’ draft report.

The Queensland Productivity Commission was asked by the Queensland Government to consider a range of issues including the competitive electricity market, productivity growth, efficiency and reliability, environmental outcomes, vulnerable customers and responsible management of the State’s finance.’

Responding to the draft report which examined electricity pricing in Queensland and provides options for improving outcomes for consumers COTA Queensland Chief Executive Mark Tucker-Evans said Older Queenslanders need to be equal contributors towards an energy efficient future.

“COTA Queensland supports the notion of financial assistance being available for those who need it, however better targeting for concessions may be required to ensure that those most in need are recipients.”

“There needs to be further analysis of the options proposed before a decision is made but sufficient support should be made available to assist in the education of seniors to enable them to be well informed about how they can be more energy efficient.” Said Mr Tucker-Evans.

COTA Queensland is currently exploring a new education program to assist older Queenslanders in this area.


Media contact Mark Tucker-Evans or Lisa Hodgkinson

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