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Rights and safety in healthcare

30 September 2019
The World Health Organization is focusing global attention on the issue of patient safety and launched a campaign in solidarity with patients on the very first World Patient Safety Day on 17 September.

Age and Work

28 August 2019
In July the Australian Human Rights Commission released a report on Multigenerational workforces: a guide to the rights of older workers under the Age Discrimination Act 2004.

State of the (Older) Nation

5 December 2018
When we focus on the group of older Australians who are not doing so well at the moment, we see numerous challenges related to finances, health, age discrimination and a general lack of trust in Government and the future.

International Day of Older Persons 2017

29 September 2017
COTA Queensland is committed to advocating and facilitating age-friendly environments which foster the health, well-being, and participation of people as they age. Such environments are inclusive, equitable, safe and supportive, and promote health, wellness, and longevity.