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Forgotten Australians

3 October 2018
Every Australian should be able to live well, with dignity and independence, in their own community of choice and with choice of appropriate and affordable support and care services when they need them.

Reforms to Human Services Inquiry Report

9 April 2018
This inquiry is about finding ways to put the people who use human services at the heart of service provision. This matters because everyone will use human services in their lifetime and change is needed to enable people to have a stronger voice in shaping the services they receive, and who provides

Dudley’s Story: Bringing Johnny Down

23 March 2015
You may recognize Dudley Warhurst as one of the faces of Queensland Seniors Week.  This year we  are asking people  to share their stories during Seniors Week and we  asked Dudley to share some of his life experiences with us. What you may not know about Dudley is that he is 95-years-old and a World