Re-imagining Ageing Forums

The COTA Queensland Re-imagining Ageing Forums held in Brisbane North, Gympie Rockhampton and Bowen provided a platform for older adults to discuss their needs and concerns, focusing on health, transport, and the cost of living. Attendees participated in interactive activities, identifying key enablers and barriers to ageing well. Health and transport emerged as the most significant challenges, with participants highlighting the need for better healthcare access, improved local transport options, and affordable living.

In Gympie, attendees expressed concerns about the rising cost of living, limited retirement housing options, and the impact of driving cessation on their independence and social participation. They also noted the over-governance and lack of understanding from decision-makers about life in regional areas. The need for more empathy and support from service providers, especially in navigating digital technologies, was also emphasised.

Rockhampton participants highlighted similar issues, including the scarcity of primary healthcare professionals and the high costs associated with traveling to metropolitan areas for medical appointments. They voiced the need for better public transport, more affordable and accessible healthcare services, and a stronger focus on community safety and infrastructure improvements.

Both forums underscored the importance of raising the profile of aged care work and advocating for more support and training for care workers. Attendees also called for increased opportunities for social participation and intergenerational connections, as well as more face-to-face services to assist with administrative processes.

The forums revealed a strong desire among older adults to age in place with dignity and support. They highlighted the need for ongoing advocacy, better infrastructure, and more empathetic and inclusive services to ensure that ageing is respected as a natural part of life.

Our last forum will be held in Longreach on 18 June. To participate in this forum RSVP here or if you can’t attend and would like to provide feedback, please email us at

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