Palliative Care Information for families and carers

Caring for someone as they approach the end of their life can be both rewarding and demanding.  It is also a role that can be incredibly difficult and exhausting at a time when people are at their most vulnerable. In some instances, the needs of the person being cared for may far exceed the capacity of the carer, in which case, taking on the role may not be appropriate.

The new Palliative Caring – Information for families and carers who are caring for an older person with a life-limiting illness in Queensland resource aims to help to explain what caring involves so you are better equipped to make informed decisions which reflect your personal needs and circumstances.

Rather than giving detailed medical or nursing information, it presents options to consider and references a range of services and supports that might be helpful.
Despite best intentions and good will, the process of dying may not go according to plan. It is important to ask for help and accept it when you need it.

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