
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we care for a person, particularly at the end of life, as well as how we support those who are grieving. With the current restrictions still in place, family carers can face more challenges in caring for a person with palliative care needs. For example, health professionals may be less available to visit if you are caring for someone at home. You may have to do more hands on caring, while also maintaining hygiene measures yourself, managing any visitors that do come and looking after your own health and wellbeing.

CarerHelp has developed new factsheets and infographics with practical information, pointers, and resources. The resources discuss how to care for a person at home and hospital, as well as arranging funerals and managing grief. Pointers on using telehealth to consult with a health professional, and selecting trustworthy online information are also presented.

CarerHelp is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and is managed by the Australian Carer Toolkit Project. More information

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