Your voice matters and we want to provide opportunities for you to share your feedback, stories and lived experiences. Our community is increasingly becoming much more diverse, presenting great opportunities for learning, sharing and richness as we embrace increased longevity.
For more than 60 years Council on the Ageing (COTA) Queensland has been engaging with older Queenslanders and organisations which service their needs, providing information and education to enable people to make well-informed decisions about ageing well.
We amplify the voices of Queenslanders to develop and implement policies and programs that improve the lives of people as we age. Since 2007 our focus has been to work in partnership with government, business and the community to enable all people to live, learn, work and play in an Age-friendly Queensland.
By joining our Community Reference Network you will be part of a community contributing to our broader work, advocating to Government on issues and solutions, and creating a more caring community where older people are actively involved and empowered, and have access to appropriate services.
Take the first step in joining our community by registering on our Engagement Hub by clicking here.
The Hub is where we host our consultations and other engagement opportunities and share information about outcomes of our engagement. Don’t worry – we will never sell or share your contact information with anyone outside of COTA Queensland without your permission. The information you provide will assist us in matching you with relevant opportunities for you to share your voice.